香港動物輔助治療學會(HKIAAI)是一家成立於2014年的非牟利志願福利組織, 其目標是促進人與動物之間的物理和生理平衡的概念,從以滋養和促進社會的和諧。我們的組織名稱的縮寫 - IAAI來表示對稱,均衡的結合,我們可以從世界上不同界別的參與中學習。
香港動物輔助治療學會 HKIAAI 為香港註冊慈善機構(#91/15298),由美國認證的動物輔助介入專家帶領。
學會同時擁有兩個國際動物輔助治療專業組織的正式會員身份,並為IAHAIO的區域代表,亦很榮幸是香港第一間有美國 Pet Partners 治療犬考核官直接參與的服務提供者。
該兩個國際專業組織為 IAHAIO (International Association of Human Animal Interaction Organizations) 及 AAII (Animal Assisted Intervention International ),積極為國際的動物輔助治療服務策劃並制定優質及關顧動物和人類福利的服務獻出一分力。
團隊成員包括美國認證的動物輔助服務專家C-AAIS、香港唯一美國CCPDT 三項認證的專業犬隻訓練師及行為專家 CPDT-KA, CPDT-KSA and CBCC-KA、美國認證無恐懼專業訓練師FFCP®,輔導專家及心理學家等以確保治療犬與服務對象的全方位關顧。
Regina Ng (Forty 媽)
Andrew Lam
於多間機構擔任獨立非執行董事, 在管理,風險法規,及ESG 方面擁有豐富知識與經驗. Andrew 曾參與香港導盲犬寄養家庭義務工作,接受訓練導盲幼犬課程。他曾於他當時入職的知名跨國銀行大力推廣導盲犬,視障人士權益以社會人狗共融。 Andrew亦在其他場合參與多項人狗共融及動物關愛的活動。 Andrew 與太太是愛狗人士,家中有兩隻狗狗寶貝。 其中一隻亦是本會的治療犬。 Andrew為本會提供不同領域的支援。
Eddie Sir (淡定爸)
Eddie is an Animal Assisted Therapist Supervisor, Psychological Counselor, a Certified Professional Dog and Cat Trainer & Behaviour Consultant, and a Biologist with canine-related services background such as therapy dogs and guidedogs. His organized activities aim at creating a society with equality and mutual love among humans and animals. He founded the Charitable Hong Kong Institute of Animal Assisted Interventions (HKIAAI) and has been providing social services facilitated by accredited animals. His projects include participants with substance use behavior, special education needs, autism spectrum disorders and also involve Animal Welfare Education etc. He is the Program Partner and an Honorary Lecturer of the Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy program (HK Metropolitan University, LiPACE), the first academic award bearing AAT program in Hong Kong, as well as some other AAT and animals related courses at the University of Hong Kong and Lingnan University.
Consultation Panel
Ms. CHAN Ivy (Animal Welfare Specialist)
Ms. CHENG Krisie (Special Educational Needs teacher / MA in Psychology / Applied Behavior Analysis (Autism Specialist)
Ms. CHOI Ellen (Occupational Therapist / MSc in Mental Health)
Mr. HO Bryan (Registered Psychologist / PhD candidate in Psychology)
Ms. LAW Pinky (Human Nurse)
Ms. TSANG M. (Senior Occupational Therapist / MPhil in Rehab. Sciences)
Ms. Tracy Yip (Special Educational Needs Consultant / MSSc in Counseling
Board Certified Applied Behavior Analysis (Autism Specialist)
IAAI旨在透過在社區提供各種動物輔助(Animal Assisted)的服務以及通過學術研究,以提高識別及驗證動物輔助治療的有效性和適用性。HKIAAI提倡關愛,同理心,以及人與動物之間的尊重。